The Do’s and Don’ts of Creating a Guest List FOR YOUR ESCONDIDO WEDDING
Congratulations! You’ve set the date, chosen your venue, and now it’s time to make the all-important guest list. It can be daunting for sure—who should you invite? Who should you leave out? To help simplify the process, here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when creating your wedding guest list.
Do Respect Your Budget
Creating a guest list is one of the most important steps in planning a wedding because it sets the tone for the entire event. Your budget will play a large role in determining how many people you can invite, so be honest with yourself about how much you can afford to spend. Consider reducing the number of guests if necessary; this way, you won’t have to compromise on quality or stretch your budget too thin.
Do Consider Your Venue
The size of your venue will also determine how many people you can invite. If space is limited, decide if there are any guests who could be cut from the list without causing offense or discomfort. For example, do you really need to invite all of your second cousins if they haven’t seen or spoken to each other in years? If not, consider excluding them from the festivities so that more of your close friends and family can join in on the celebrations.
Don't Leave Out Important People
When making your guest list, remember that this is an opportunity for you to share your special day with those who matter most. Even if space is limited, try not to leave out anyone who has been important in your life—including grandparents, siblings, close friends, mentors etc.—as these are memories that will stay with them forever (and vice versa). Remember, when it comes down to it everyone matters!
Ultimately, creating a wedding guest list is entirely up to you and your partner—no one else knows what matters most to you two as a couple. As long as both sides are respectful of each other's wishes and budgets are taken into account then no one should feel slighted by any omissions or restrictions imposed by either party. When creating a wedding guest list just remember that ultimately it’s about celebrating love amongst family and friends - so spread the love far and wide! Happy planning!
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